As of April 29, 2021, the Department of Buildings can issue violations to owners of buildings over 25,000 square feet – or multiple buildings on a lot that total 100,000 square feet or more – that appear on the NYC Benchmarking Covered Buildings List and failed to post an Energy Efficiency Rating Label as required by Local Law 33 of 2018.

Owners can access and print the label through a new Building Energy Efficiency Rating tab in the DOB NOW Public Portal at
Per the rule, an owner who fails to post the label will be subject to a civil penalty of $1250. Covered buildings were required to post the label starting back in October 2020.
Owners who receive a violation for failure to post the Energy Efficiency Label can view and pay the civil penalties, or challenge the violation, through a new portal in DOB NOW: Safety.
For assistance with benchmarking tasks, email to or call (212) 566-5584.