As of January 2, 2024, the Department of Buildings is not issuing a permit if the Construction Superintendent (CS) designated on the permit application is already designated on 3 or more active permits.

Local Law 149 of 2021 provides that, beginning on January 2, 2024, an individual may not be designated as the primary construction superintendent for more than 3 jobs. This is a change from the current limitation of 5 jobs. Construction superintendents who are designated on more than 3 active jobs must choose which jobs to withdraw from to reduce their total jobs to three. If one of the jobs for which the CS is designated as a primary Construction Superintendent is on a building that meets the definition of a major building, the individual may only be designated as the primary CS for that job and may not serve as the primary CS for any other job. To reduce the total number of jobs on which the CS is designated:
Withdraw a CS from a Permit
For DOB NOW jobs, the CS selects Withdraw Site Safety Stakeholders from the Filing Action column on the Work Permits dashboard. For BIS jobs, the CS requests to be withdrawn from a permit by submitting a signed letter of intent to withdraw to the Borough Commissioner’s Office.
Change the CS on a Permit
For DOB NOW jobs, the permit applicant renews the permit with change at any time. For BIS jobs, the permit applicant renews the permit with change by dropping off a PW2 at the Borough Office. Permit renewals with change cannot be processed in eFiling.
To release a Construction Superintendent, an authorization letter and photographs are required to be uploaded in DOB NOW: Build in the Documents section. The authorization letter can be signed by one of the following:
• Applicant of Record of the specific job filing
• Progress Inspector identified on the Technical Report-Final associated to the job
• Permit Holder if the licensee is a Registered General Contractor including 1-, 2-, 3-family homes
• Construction Superintendent associated to the specific permit
Then, submit the Site Safety Release request in DOB NOW and once it is approved by the Construction Safety Compliance Unit, the site safety requirement will be removed from the job and the job Construction Superintendent will no longer be designated on the job.