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Jobs in NYC construction took huge hit during the pandemic, over 14% decline

New York State has lost 40,700 (-5%) construction jobs according to the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) “State List of Construction Employment by Metropolitan Area or Division, February 2020–April 2021”. In the same 14-month period, over half of them (22,300 / -14%) were lost in New York City, and 7,000 / -9%) were lost in Nassau and Suffolk counties.

According to AGC’s data, Odessa, TX was the biggest loser in construction jobs (8,000 / -39%) while Sierra Vista-Douglas in Arizona had the biggest increase (1,100 / +44%) among all areas in the nation.

“The pandemic has had a devastating impact on the construction industry in New York City,” State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli said. “The sector started back up last June, but even with pent-up demand for certain projects, jobs are still lagging behind the employment rebound in other industries. The state and city have important roles to play in distributing federal relief and the Biden administration’s infrastructure bill could be a boon for the industry as private investment will likely take longer to fully rebound.”

To view AGC's full report, visit


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