Privately Owned Public Spaces, aka POPS, are spaces dedicated to public use and enjoyment. They are developed, owned, and maintained by private property owners in exchange for bonus floor area or waivers. The city’s 550 POPS come in many shapes and sizes, located both outdoors and indoors.
On May 20th the winner of a new logo design international competition, sponsored by the Department of City Planning (DCP), the Advocates for Privately Owned Public Space (APOPS) and The Municipal Art Society of New York (MAS), was announced.
The selected logo, depicting playfully-arranged chairs, was designed by Emma Reed, a New York-based graphic designer and it matches the City’s goal of creating inviting public spaces with an abundance of amenities, with seating being a priority.
Competition awardees and notable mentions can be found at
POPS signage will be required to include the new logo, a statement that the space is open to the public, and other helpful information about the space, such as the hours it is open and amenities provided.
The public can expect to see the new official logo at POPS beginning early next year, and all POPS are required to post the new logo and other public information – including how to register a complaint about a POPS – by mid-2021.
The winning logo “Have a Seat” will be displayed at all POPS, signaling they are open to the public. Photo: Emma Reed/